
The value of branded lifestyle items

The value of branded lifestyle items

Where once an advertiser required a brand or logo to be seen an average of just 3 times, in our rapidly moving world with so much visual stimuli, it is now believed that many more reminders are required for brand retention to occur. Brand loyalty is an even greater...

Price, Quality and Value

Price, Quality and Value

The cost vs quality debate is one most of us encounter daily. In the retail space, it is still common to equate quality with price. ‘You get what you pay for’, suggests that lower price items are made of cheaper materials, less robust and offer fewer features, while...

Can I have something different?

Can I have something different?

When discussing a new promotional campaign, I am often asked for “something different”. Our industry, like that of retail, provides for this in spades with the frequent release of new ranges, products and ideas. Coco Chanel said that “In order to be irreplaceable one...

Food, Glorious Food!

Food, Glorious Food!

In my first SCOODA Quick Read, I outlined that recent research shows more than half of the recipients of promotional products use the item they receive often and retain it (on average) for more than a year. Conversely, food products, due to their short shelf life, are...

Utilising Promotional Products for fundraising

Utilising Promotional Products for fundraising

Promotional products can prove extremely useful for community and charity organisations in their efforts to build awareness and support for their cause. With declining funding by federal, state, and local governments and ever-increasing competition, fundraising has...

Gift with Purchase Campaigns

Gift with Purchase Campaigns

A Gift with Purchase (GWP) campaign has the potential to raise revenue and generate interest and good will for your brand – if delivered in the correct way. For the exercise to be worthwhile, the campaign needs to be thought out and well planned. Many of us may recall...

To Brand, or Not to Brand?

To Brand, or Not to Brand?

Some may believe any item with a logo will successfully promote their business, but ensuring merchandise reflects your organisation in a positive light and maintains your brand integrity is essential. For example, a cheap branded pen that breaks after being used just...

The Renewed Push for Australian Made

The Renewed Push for Australian Made

Over the past 20 years, the range of Australian made products been gradually decreasing, replaced primarily by low cost alternatives manufactured overseas. Ease of access to the world market has widened the range of options open to Australian consumers, whilst...