The Importance of Brand Guidelines

“Brand Guidelines”, also known as a brand style guide, are rules created to ensure consistency in imagery and messaging across a particular brand. They govern the composition, design and general look and feel of a brand. Brand guidelines are used by both internal and external stakeholders needing to use your brand’s elements, like your logo, for marketing or other purposes.

The more consistent and uniform a brand is, the stronger and more recognisable the brand becomes over time. Brand guidelines also assist individual departments or branches within an organisation to tailor their marketing efforts and staff collateral specifically for their needs, whilst maintaining the integrity of the brand “personality”.

Brand guidelines may dictate the content of a website, advertising, blogs or marketing materials. While the specifics and even the number of details contained will vary, there are three core elements that are in all brand identity guidelines. They are:

  1. The Logo: The principle version and permitted variables.
  2. The Colour Palette: For logos and brand imaging.
  3. The Typography: Key fonts and alternatives.

Other features often included are:

  • Exclusion Zones: Minimum clear space requirements around the logo.
  • Separating Elements: Viability of using parts of the logo by themselves.
  • Logo Positioning: Where it should ideally appear on a page or product.
  • Other Logo Rules: For example, rotation, shadowing, half tones, and the use of copyright marks.

Branded merchandise is a powerful element in every organisation’s marketing campaign. Ensuring items produced fit within brand parameters is essential.

Clear and comprehensive brand guidelines are a great way to maintain the integrity and consistency of all materials that bear your brand and promote your organisation. 

How does one ensure brand consistency in the delivery of appropriate branded collateral?

“The SCOODA Quick Read” is a monthly educational series created on “all things promo”.

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