Why staff should receive a branded Christmas / End of Year gift this year

The ‘unprecedented’ events of 2020 have made it a year that will be remembered. The pandemic has affected us all in unexpected ways and pushed some of us to our limits. Many employees found themselves searching for ways to do their jobs work within shorter hours, some with less income and ultimately fearing job loss. Working from home, while novel for some, was difficult and demotivating for many.

Life work balance was further compromised by the virtual disintegration of social life and even when activities started to re-appear on our calendars anxiety and cautiousness remained.

Presently, it is still uncertain as to whether workplaces will, or should, celebrate Christmas in the normal fashion. Parties and the “silly season” are set to lack their typical carefree charm and frivolity. In Australia, the festive season marks the end of the work year and with it a chance to recharge. Employers should consider how they can encourage their team members to return revitalised, ready to start afresh and move forward in a positive and productive manner. Recognising the additional effort, the struggles faced, and all of the challenges this extremely difficult year has created for your staff, is a perfect way to begin.

A thoughtful, fit for purpose, branded gift is an excellent way to show staff members how much they matter. While all promotional products should be deemed an investment in one’s business, they are never more valuable than when they are used to show appreciation to those who are essential to your business’s success!

Branded gifts provide a visible reminder of appreciation. Surveys conducted over the years show promotional products are often kept well over 12 months, thus providing an ongoing reminder to your team members that you value the work that they do. They are also an excellent way to encourage brand loyalty and to tangibly connect the recipient to your brand’s identity – who and what your company stands for.

Selecting appropriate branded gifts for your team will take time and effort. The key, as is often the case, is the selection of relevant and suitable items that can be distributed in a practical manner. A promotional products industry specialist can assist you with this process. Please consider the importance of gift giving, something tangible and branded, for your valued team this December.

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